Thursday, 25 November 2010

Hi Juan.

I'm sending you a leter describing my favorite band, pignois.The group has got four members , Carlos García, Javier Fernandez -Fernández-, Manuel López, josé -José- Agudo. I think they're Wonderful.
Carlos play -plays- -the- piano. He has got blond hair. He is tall and thin. He is twenty-three years old.
Javier -plays- the guitar. He has got brown hair. He is short and thin. He is twenty-four years old.
Manuel play -plays- drums. He is wearing glasses. He has got blonde hair. He is tall and thin. He is twenty-four years old.
José is singer and he plays the guitar too. He has got black (...). He is tall and tihm. He is tw enty-four years old.

Send me a letter of your favorite band!!



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